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PO Box 926, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29578

Building Industry Synergy

A Building Industry Business Network Promoting Community Growth

The February & September ‘Special Issues’ of Building Industry Synergy are mailed out the week of each of the two annual Horry Georgetown HBA ( HGHBA ) shows in the Myrtle Beach Convention Center ( MBCC ) & then handed to each show attendee that purchases a ticket to each show in front of the ticket booth as they enter the Convention Center. Both ‘Special Issues’ contain the Show Exhibitor Map & Show Seminar Schedule.

In addition to the February & September ‘Special Issues’ for the two HGHBA Shows in the MBCC, Building Industry Synergy also publishes a Spring ( early May ) & Summer ( mid July ) Issue. Each of the four annual issues of Building Industry Synergy are mailed out to all of the SC state licensed Residential & Commercial Building Contractors, Architects & Property Management Companies that reside in Horry & Georgetown Counties, in addition to many top producing Realtors & Specialty Subcontractors that also reside in Horry & Georgetown Counties. The four annual issues are also mailed to all of the current HGHBA members. Each issue contains a Printed Resource Directory on pages 6 & 7 for the Homeowners, Builders & Property Management Companies. 

Each Issue & corresponding Resource Directory is posted online @ The entire Printed Resource Directory also runs on the back cover of the April & September Home Improvement & Outdoor Living insert published by Waccamaw Publishers for the consumers ( homeowners ).

Companies participating on an annual basis receive a Display Ad in each issue, listings in the Printed & Online Resource Directories, as well as inclusion in an annual editorial feature ( article & photos ) in a specific predetermined issue each year. 

It is possible to participate in either all four annual issues or just the February & September ‘Special Issues’ for the February & September HGHBA shows in the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. 

Call ( 843 ) 945-4452 or ( 843 ) 455-7975 for further information. You can also email